The Band That Played On

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The Band That Played On Empty The Band That Played On

Message  Belgenland Lun 21 Mar 2011 - 16:46


Un nouveau livre sur l'Orchestre du Titanic sort ces jours-ci au Royaume-Uni et aux USA "The Band that played on" du journaliste musical Steve Turner.

The Band That Played On Nouvelleimage2u

Je lui ai apporté ma modeste aide pour ce qui concerne George Krins.


Age : 54
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Inscrit le : 03/01/2010
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Antoine Lun 21 Mar 2011 - 17:15

Pour info, Steve Turner est également l'auteur de A Hard Day's Write, ouvrage de référence sur les chansons des Beatles qui nous est très utile, à mes confrères et moi même sur Wikipédia. Donc si c'est du Turner, c'est du sérieux, du solide, et on peut acheter sans crainte. Et ça fait un nouveau bouquin que je veux pour mon anniversaire ! rire

D'autre part, je trouve la couverture magnifique. amour

Age : 34
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Belgenland Lun 28 Mar 2011 - 10:08


Steve Turner vient de m'envoyer un article paru il y a quelques jours dans le Sunday Mirror sur base d'un extrait de son livre. Le violon de Wallace Hartley aurait été retrouvé et sera mis en vente aux enchères !!!

Le violon porte une mention "For Wallace on the occasion of our engagement ~ from Maria". Des tests sont en cours ...

Voici l'article,

The missing violin played by the Titanic’s bandleader as the liner slowly sank could have been found… 99 years on.
Wallace Hartley and his seven fellow musicians became an ­enduring part of the Titanic story – heroically playing on until waist-deep in water as they disappeared beneath the waves.
According to some reports, Hartley’s violin was found strapped to his chest in its case when his body was ­recovered from the icy Atlantic. But the precious gift from his fiancée Maria Robinson wasn’t there when the 33-year-old’s body was ­repatriated to Britain for his ­funeral.
And it has been missing ever since, baffling historians and tantalising Titantic treasure-hunters as to its whereabouts.
Now, in a remarkable twist, the violin appears to have been found — and is undergoing tests at a specialist auction house to ensure its authenticity. But experts are so sure it is Hartley’s violin they are planning to take it on a world tour before putting it up for sale next year – the centenary of the sinking. It is likely to fetch more than ­£1million.
Author Steve Turner, who has discovered pictures of the violin, said: “Other than retrieving the bow of the ship, this must be the most symbolic artefact of the Titanic sinking ever likely to be sold.
“Everyone concerned has been sworn to secrecy. Other than ­admitting to me the violin exists and that the photos I saw were genuine, the auctioneers won’t be giving out any more information until an announcement is made about its sale.”
All eight members of Hartley’s band played on as the ship sank 400 miles off Newfoundland, Canada, on April 14, 1912. Reports vary as to the last song they played, but most agree it was the poignant hymn Nearer, My God, to Thee.
Survivors recall the band ­striking up playful ­ragtime tunes, ­including ­Alexander’s Ragtime Band, as the liner began to go down.
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The story ­became a defining ­image of British calmness in the face of adversity and was immortalised in the 1997 movie Titanic.
Reports at the time said ­Hartley, from Colne, Lancs, was found fully dressed still clutching his violin. But the Office of the Provincial ­Secretary in Nova Scotia did not list it among the effects of Body 224.
It was not handed to Hartley’s father, Albion, who collected his son’s body at Liverpool docks after repatriation – two years after Hartley and Maria had got engaged.
Mr Turner found ­photos of a violin, leather case and sheet music during ­research for his book The Band That Played On.
He says: “Someone with a knowledge of the Titanic was trying to authenticate the story. The most convincing thing about the violin, which was in a brown leather case with the ­initials W. H. H stamped on it, is the ­inscription on the tail-piece, ‘For Wallace on the occasion of our engagement, from Maria’.”
Maria was left bereft by Hartley’s death. She moved to Bridlington, East Yorks, and never married.
Mr Turner says the photos back up claims by the unnamed owner – believed to a male relative of Maria’s – that Maria retrieved it.
Among evidence is a draft letter to the Nova Scotia authorities in Maria’s 1912 diary. It says: “I would be most grateful if you could convey my heartfelt thanks to all who have made possible the return of my late fiancé’s violin.”
Steve, who has written ­biographies of Cliff Richard and Marvin Gaye, says: “This seemed not only to explain why she wanted it back so badly and why it didn’t automatically go to ­Hartley’s parents, but perhaps why Hartley kept it with him.”
A spokesman for auctioneers Henry Aldridge and Son said: “We are in the process of running a number of tests.”
 The Band That Played On by Steve Turner is published by Thomas Nelson.

Age : 54
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Inscrit le : 03/01/2010
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Franck74 Mar 29 Mar 2011 - 14:04

Merci Philippe pour les infos. vbp
Livre disponible depuis le 23 mars et manifestement bien distribué dans le mond entier.
Philippe, as-tu déjà eu le loisir de le consulter voire de le lire ? Est-ce un travail de bonne facture ?

Age : 38
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Inscrit le : 26/05/2008
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Belgenland Mar 29 Mar 2011 - 14:14

Non pas encore. Je vais essayer de le trouver à la FNAC et si pas le commander sur Amazon.

Vu la bibliographie de Steve Turner, je m'attends à du sérieux !

Age : 54
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Inscrit le : 03/01/2010
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Franck74 Mar 29 Mar 2011 - 17:11

ok merci à toi :chnfgdt:

Age : 38
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Inscrit le : 26/05/2008
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Tiphaine Mar 29 Mar 2011 - 19:20

C'est vrai qu'elle est belle cette couverture ! vbp

Age : 34
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Antoine Ven 29 Avr 2011 - 21:58

Je viens de le recevoir, et il m'a l'air d'être très bien fait ce livre. Très dense et très sympa à lire. fete

Age : 34
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The Band That Played On Empty Re: The Band That Played On

Message  Antoine Jeu 26 Mai 2011 - 0:34

J'ai fini le livre aujourd'hui dans le train. Eh bien j'en suis très satisfait. Il est particulièrement dense puisqu'on y trouve :

* un chapitre introductif sur la naissance de la "légende" de l'orchestre, en 1912
* un sur l'agence des frères Black et les musiciens sur les navires de façon générale : on y apprend qu'il s'agit d'un phénomène assez récent, et qu'auparavant, les musiciens étaient des marins, voire des passagers
* Viennent ensuite des chapitres sur les musiciens : un pour Hartley, un pour Bricoux, un pour Brailey, un pour Woodward, un pour Hume, et un qui regroupe Clarke, Krins et Taylor, moins documentés
* Trois chapitres détaillent ensuite la préparation du navire/de l'orchestre, la traversée et le naufrage
* Plusieurs sont consacrés à la postérité de l'orchestre : la presse, les hommages, les soucis de succession, le devenir des familles.
* Enfin, un dernier chapitre, vraisemblablement rajouté en dernière minute, revient sur la (probable) redécouverte du violon de Hartley, repêché mais perdu.

Le gros point fort du livre est qu'on sent que l'auteur s'est documenté partout où il a pu : il a fouillé les documents, journaux, a interviewé des descendants. Pour quelqu'un qui, de son propre aveu, ne connaissait pas vraiment le Titanic avant de commencer, on peut voir que le travail est l'œuvre d'un pro. D'autre part, Steve Turner ne cherche pas à poser des faits comme vrais quand il sont incertains : le répertoire ou l'emploi du temps de l'orchestre sont confus et peu connus ? Eh bien il le dit clairement et parle au conditionnel, sans chercher à nous faire croire que ses théories sont les bonnes. Et ça, c'est du bon travail d'historien.

Un livre que je conseille à tout le monde. La langue y est qui plus est très lisible et l'anglais n'est pas une barrière ici. fete

Age : 34
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Inscrit le : 15/11/2009
Localisation : Trop près, beaucoup trop près.

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